Each year, She Runs It honors women in marketing, media and tech who are transforming their brands, teams, accounts, organizations and the industry. This year, these game changers are shaking up strategies, leading with purpose and championing DEI throughout their organizations.

Stewart’s industry-leading work driving equity through investment is a cornerstone of UM’s marketplace approach.

Defining innovation: We often think of innovation as something big, but small innovations can change the trajectory of a team, a campaign or a business—and lead to an even bigger innovation.

Advice for fellow leaders: Change is hard, and that can scare people. Too often we get quickly focused on the “why not” and lose sight of the potential change can bring. I like to focus on the potential first, and get people excited about it before I focus on the challenges. Building that excitement will drive the inspiration to find solutions for the challenges.

Read more in Adweek.