UM PanMedia believes that better science and better art deliver better outcomes to their clients. We are convinced of being BETTER as a result of highly data-driven, strategic work in all disciplines. Being BETTER is the aim for our team of which every member is always pursuing excellence for the benefit of their clients. UM PanMedia is a very highly-ranked RECMA media agency representing the UM global network in Austria. We work for global brands such as Nestlé and Nespresso, Johnson & Johnson, American Express as well as a broad variety or regional or local clients from industries such as telecommunications, retail or FMCG.


Kommunikationsberatung und Mediaeinkauf GmbH
Operngasse 17-21 / 9
1040 Vienna, Austria

Phone & Email

+43 1 582 82-0

[email protected]

Key Contacts

Nicole Artner
Managing Director
[email protected]

Peter Unzeitig
Managing Partner
[email protected]